a collective management organization for the rights of makers of sound recordings and music videos
Our vision
Our vision is to be an instigator of innovative and promising projects for all the rights owners it represents and to establish lasting partnerships and ideal conditions for the use of their repertoire.
Our mission
Soproq’s mission is to maximize royalties related to the collective administration of the rights of makers of sound recordings and music videos. Soproq is committed to optimizing the value of the rights it represents and in the best interests of its members.
In this regard, it acts in consultation with the industry and other similar or complementary organizations to stimulate new business opportunities that will ensure increased availability, easier access and wider use of sound recordings in its repertoire.
Strategic priorities
During the 2020-2021 fiscal year, we completed a consultation process with members to better understand your needs and your expectations of your collective management organization. This exercise has certainly enabled us to assess the relevance and quality of our current services, but above all it will have enabled us to identify the best avenues for future development in response to your expressed needs. From this consultation and a strategic reflection process carried out with the board of directors, a clear vision emerged as to the future of the organization which will ensure it a most competitive position in the collective management sector.
Here is a summary of the vision and the different areas that make it up in connection with the values of the organization:

Our values
At the source of the principles that influence the strategic orientations, decision-making and actions taken by the organization, the Board of Directors and the entire Soproq team are committed to respecting the values of the organization:
With regard to its collective mission, transparency must be reflected in all actions and communications of the organization, to all stakeholders. As such, relevant information for members must be made even more accessible so that rights are better understood, as well as the role of Soproq.
The entire team of the organization is called upon to be even more proactive in finding original solutions to problematic situations, but also in terms of adaptability to the environment and its evolution.
The efficiency and accuracy in the handling of the affairs of the organization are paramount, given the role of Soproq. Rigor also requires the openness and flexibility sometimes necessary to make the best decision, in the interest of all members.
Equity implies a fair treatment of any request, demand or person, without one member or group of members being favored more than another. Equity necessarily has its roots in integrity, a quality that must be reflected in the integrity of the organization's decisions and in the behavior of each individual.
Affirm its identity by developing new models or ways of doing things for the benefit of all its members. At times a little unknown and discreet, Soproq aims to be more recognized and representative of all its members, employees and the industry, through greater availability and accessibility.
Soproq's Board of Directors is made up of 7 members representing the local independent music industry. It is responsible and accountable to the members for the sound financial administration and proper management of the organization.
It meets at least four times a year to establish strategic directions, policies and annual budget. Directors and the management team must act with prudence, diligence, and integrity in the best interests of the members. They cannot place themselves in a situation of conflict between their personal interest and the duties related to their function
Board of Directors
Three standing committees support the work of the Board of Directors. The committees are composed of Soproq directors appointed by the board according to their specific expertise related to each mandate.
Governance and Human Ressources Committee
This committee is composed of 3 directors. Its role is to propose to the board of directors the principles, guidelines and procedures that should guide the organization to ensure that Soproq sets up and maintains a high-level governance structure as well as an ethical framework drawing on best practices.
Strategy and Projects Committee
This committee is composed of 3 to 7 directors. The mandate is to make recommendations to the board of directors on strategic directions for the organization. It also ensures the implementation of the organization’s mission and vision, in accordance with the strategic plan, and offers to work on solutions to the issues and challenges identified.
Finance and Tariffs Committee
This committee is composed of 3 to 5 directors. The mandate is to exercise oversight responsibility to ensure the integrity of Soproq’s accounting and financial results, the quality of internal controls, the identification of risks and the means to deal with them. It also develops recommendations for the attention of the Board of Directors on issues that affect the key rates of license fees for different types of music services and those related to the management of different types of rights.
The Soproq Team
Communications Manager and Business Development Coordinator

Administrative Support and Member Services Agent

Founded by ADISQ in 1991, Soproq – Collective Society for the Rights of Makers of Sound Recordings and Music Videos is a not-for-profit organization whose existence derives from rights granted to makers.
Soproq administered exclusively the rights from the use of music videos and the reproduction of sound recordings in its repertoire
The revision of the Copyright Law by the Government of Canada in 1997 established a new regime of "equitable remuneration" which gives makers the right to receive royalties for the broadcast of their sound recordings, including on the radio.
This revision also introduced the "private copying" regime in response to the exception created in the Act allowing anyone to reproduce sound recordings, works, and performances for private use. In return, the regime requires manufacturers and importers of blank audio recording media to pay royalties.
These significant changes have greatly contributed to the changing role of Soproq, which was the first collective organization in North America to distribute royalties from the equitable remuneration regime (Sept. 5, 2001).
Since 1992, Soproq has a special agreement with BAnQ for the legal deposit of all physical albums on behalf of its members. Soproq also assigns registrant codes (ISRC).
More recently, in 2013, Soproq invested in the development of a new, more efficient distribution system (OCTAVE) that has enabled the automation of several processes and facilitates the processing of large volumes of data.
Fiscal year 2017-2018 became a milestone in Soproq’s history as royalties jumped 60% and, for the first time, crossed the $10M threshold, reaching $13.2M.
In 2018-2019, with the support of the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec, Soproq worked with key actors in the local music industry to develop MetaMusic, intended for all rightsholders in the music value chain, to promote best practices and guide rightsholders through the process of indexing their music using metadata, at
Fiscal year 2019-2020 set a new record: a total $17.1M in royalties were collected, representing an increase of more than 25% over the previous year.