How it works

In return for copies made for private use, manufacturers and importers of blank audio recording media (CD-R, CD-RW, CD-R audio and CD-RW audio) are required to pay royalties to copyright owners. These royalties are based on tariffs set by the Copyright Board and are incorporated into the selling price of those blank audio recording media.

Distribution of royalties for private copying is based on representative samples of music broadcast on radio stations (commercial and CBC radio) and album sales. Since it is impossible to know exactly which sound recordings are copied for private uses, these two elements provide an indicator of the music likely to be copied by Canadians.

Sound recordings and makers eligibility

To be eligible, the sound recording must be protected by copyright in Canada and, on the date of the first fixation of the musical work, the first maker was a Canadian citizen or permanent resident or, in the case of a corporation, had its headquarters in Canada.

Private copying

  • The Copyright Board
    It sets tariffs for the private copy
  • Canadian Private Copying Collective (CPCC)
    Filing of draft tariffs
    Responsible for collecting and distributing royalties
    Manages the distribution of royalties to performers and producers on behalf of CPCC
    Produces distribution files
  • Soproq
    Repertoire and claims management
    Conflict resolution
    Distribution to members
  • Members

Tariffs in force

0,29$ per CD-R, CD-RW, CD-R audio and CD-RW audio